Sunday, March 9, 2008

Naive Dark Skin

Naive son of dark skin
This world does not cater to you
Across borders and languages
I plead with you to have thoughts out of the conformative norm
From the legacy's live on for you last name is the one that shall carry on
Think before you speak and act for they are out to get you
Dark Skin watch out
Know that there are those who still believe in you
So many have lost faith
So its time for you to do better
Your seed does what it sees
The story of so many general curses as well as addictions
No more excuses it time to move forward...

hE Is....

He is the sum that woke me up on Sunday morning
He is who I think about when Jill Scott sing is it the way you love me
He is the one that I introduce to the family
He is the one I send flowers to because he's special to me
He's the one I leave work early for
He is the one I write poetry for
He is the one I will learn to cook for
He is the one I go out of my way for
He is the one I sing to
He is the one I'm vulnerable to
He is the one I argue with
He is the on I make up with
He's the one I love
He's the one I'll marry
He is only in my dreams

Is a LitTle HaRD worK tOO MuCH

Its hard work and if you ask me its we that are lazy we run from it and make all these excuses disguised as philosophies we give a grip to these so called problem solvers that after their office hours deal with the same issues we claim we want it but do you really lately I can't even recognize even among friends that's sad to say be continued