Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year....

I'm just realizing that people change...not really just realizing that but it just hit me on a personal level. You know how your moms tell you not to play with the stove but until you get burned you truly don't understand how much it hurts. My aunt told me the other day she was quoting Maya Angelou "if someone shows you who they are believe them." Sometimes you want to believe the best in people. You only want to see the positive in them but the truth is they are who they are. So this year I plan to see people for who they because I can't change them and be more careful about who I let in my inner circle. I just like to say that over all "07" was a good year there were some ups as well as downs but I an appreciate them all because from them a lesson was learned! I like to thank God for being good to me and for another year!

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