Monday, February 4, 2008


Out of habit I am human and with that comes flaws...These are the things that I do know about myself so here goes...

I am a very trusting and giving person but sometimes I feel like I should have more of a wall up...

I am impatient and feign for instant gratification...

Once I have decided to really cut ppl off their gone forever...

I am an artist...

I'm a hopeles romantic which seems like a problem to me...

I think I care too much...

I really hate when people lie to me and I find out...

I have an obession with converse tennis shoes...

I love to travel....

I am very blunt with people that are not in my inner circle and sometimes I may hurt their feelings. The people in my circle it's hard to tell them that I don't agree with something that they do...

I'm very civil and try to keep peace and maybe that's why I have so much built up anger...

I think most people of full of ish and are not very genuine...

A lot of people like me and want to me my friend and I really don't know why, they always remember me for some strange reason...

I'm complicated and most people don't get me...

I am halarious, at least that's what people tell me...

If I think something has flaws I say it without thinking...

I'm scared out of my mind of marriage and being pregnant...

I want to be able to travel at the drop of a dime, do what I want when I want and I think it would be cool if I had one person to do that with...

Your probably thinking about now I want my cake and eat it too...and your right...

I am very spritual...

I am the perfect girlfriend if your the perfect

My camera has become my right hand...

My favorite poet is Langston Hughes, my favorite color is blue (all shades), i love argyle socks, stussy t-shirts, choclate turtles, fruit roll ups, american apparel t-shirts, and eating at bus boys and poets...

When I'm bored i sit in a dark room with a black light and listen to music...

I want to learn how to play guitar...

I love gadgets gott have em.....

I don't like animals really if I had to have pet it would be a fish...

The names I have picked out for the children I'm not thinking about having is Rei and Rajah Aryn...don't still my ish

I have insomnia and i like when ppl rub my head b/c it makes me go to sleep

I'm not a phone person if your not in my inner circle...i press the ignore button alot...

I love music...all music...there are even a few country songs I dig

I'm a hustler, survior, friend, sister, neice, cousin, mentor, Morgan Diana Brown

to be continued...

1 comment:

Dead Man Writing said...

You have name for kids ur not thinking about having? Interesting