Saturday, November 3, 2007


I feel very much trapped. I'm not sure what to do about it yet. I kind of feel like there is nothing that I can do about it, just unhappy right now. Ummm it's kind of hard to go in detail about why i'm feeling trapped because after all this is the internet. Any of my readers....if felt stuck or trapped in a place what did you do about it???


djash32 said...

sometimes i talk to myself. not talk to myself as a mentally ill kinda talk but my own motivational speaker kinda talk. you will be surprised what ti will do for you. At the beginning of my practices for basketball, i wasnt shooting well. i felt somewhat trapped because i didnt know what was going on as far as my feelings for the game. i went home and told my self that i was a sharpshooter in the game. i said it all the shower, before i went to bed, in the morning, and of course i prayed about it. you never know how much you can be your own motivational speaker.

Rainha Diana said...

Thanks that really meant a lot!!! I definitely will try that sometimes!!!

Unknown said...

Welcome to the real world! We all feel trapped at some point in time in our lives, those of us who think alot (like you & I) we tend to feel trapped alot more often then others. Allow yourself to feel those feelings and get through those moments. It's those moments in our lives when we make some of our best decisions, profound ones that will guide us close to our true purpose in life. Keep thinking and don't give up!

lady blue said...

I've often felt this way, but i've learned that a great deal of it was fear. I felt trapped sometimes because i allowed to many negatives thoughts to linger in my mind. So one way that i combat fear and negativity, is to say positive affirmations to myself(I've made a list). Another way is to get up and do something!!! Appreciating yourself, forgiving yourself as well as forgiving others will give you a freedom beyond measure. I think its human nature to feel trapped sometimes but the key is in what you do next.. Keep being strong!!!!!